Once again, I am so excited and filled with joy to share about an incident that took place in my life around a year ago.
Beloved brothers and sisters, Psalm 91 says:
14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”
Indeed it is so true, the Lord has protected and delivered me so many times from accidents and circumstances that it is hard for me to keep my mouth shut from glorifying and praising His awesome name. He is so wonderful in His mercy and love especially towards those who love and serve Him. Before moving forward, I want to point out this simple truth:
We are all His children and His master piece. I’m in no way more special to Him than anyone else. He loves us all in the same manner and died for the sin of all mankind. As we grow in His will and follow His ways, the doors above will open wide and we will experience His never ending love, mercy and blessings in a very special way, because we are all very special to Him, very precious indeed.
My friends, the Lord has been very gracious onto me even when I failed Him in many areas of my life. The Lord is very patient with all, giving everyone uncountable number of opportunities and chances to repent of their sins and surrender their lives to Him. I am so thankful to the Lord for His great mercy and love towards all in these days.
As I said before, around a year ago, I was driving on the San Mateo Bridge. I was very tired from working and my eyes were not holding up that well. Before I knew it, I fell asleep with my car traveling at 70 miles an hour. Suddenly when I opened my eyes, I saw that my car was about to hit a truck. My head stopped working. It seemed like this was the end. If you have probably watched movies, you remember how when some major incident is about to happen involving death, they show flashbacks of the actor or actress. Believe me, I saw nothing like that. As a matter of fact, I went completely blank.
I don’t know how but my hands as it seemed by itself span the stirring wheel into the next lane and put it in a straight position. It happened in the spit of a second. I still have not been able to figure out how it happened. I think there are some things in our lives or miracles I should say are not meant to be understood but just believe. As I realized that the Lord had just saved not only my life but others as well, tears came into my eyes. The traffic on the bridge was medium to heavy and I have no idea how there was no car in the other lane. The Bible says that one of God’s names is Jehovah Nigad, the Lord who predicts the future. It is so true, the Lord knew what was going to happen and He was already at work preparing my deliverance and I did not have the slightest idea about it. What a protective God we have? There is none like Him, not even close.
I encourage everyone reading this article to pray for safety and protection before travelling or driving or even walking on the street. Always read, if possible cram Psalm 91 and say it as often as possible. Continue to serve and honor Him for He alone is worthy and able to deliver you from every danger and situation. When I get the chance, I will post an article on God’s protective power.
Thanks you all for reading
Have a blessed day