Sister Manju's Testimony 3

Praise The Lord,

My name is Manju. I want to thank my Lord Jesus for what he did for me recently. I am working in a company part time for only two hours a day. I have been working these hours for more than 10 years. The Lord had opened this door for me in year 2000. At the beginning of this year my supervisors told me they could no longer accommodate my hours any longer. If I wanted to remain in the company I would have to work more hours. I was unable to meet their requirements so they were letting me go. I came home and shared this with my husband and told him that maybe this is the Lord's will in my life. He told me what if it was the enemy trying to rob me of my blessings. He questioned me if I was going to play a dead game and let the enemy run all over me. I realized that was the truth because with this blessing I was able to bless the Lord’s work. I was a blessing for his kingdom. So I went to The Lord in prayer and asked him that if this was from the enemy, than the doors that the Lord had opened for me no man can shut. I reminded the Lord that it was written that no weapon formed against me should prosper. (Isaiah 54:17). My husband backed me up in his prayers too. Everyday I was thanking the Lord for my job.

In the morning of the last day of my job I woke up thinking I was going to feel sad and upset because the Lord hadn't done anything yet. I didn't feel any of those things I felt normal and I thanked him for everything he has done in my life. 

At work there was a get together for my farewell. My colleagues wished me well. They said their goodbyes and left. I handed over everything I had in my possession to my assistant supervisor. I had my keys to handover to my manager. I went to him and he started talking to me. He opened my files and asked me if I could come in and only work on Saturdays for him so he can keep my position open and if ever I could work more hours I could come back. I told him no I couldn't because now I wanted to enjoy my weekends. Then he asked me what if he gave me back my hours with a pay raise if I would stay. I was confused and I told him the only reason I was leaving was because he could no longer accommodate my hours. He said the person who initiated this was no longer working for the company. He said now he was able to restore my hours.

I knew it was only the Lord who could do this amazing and wonderful thing for me because He loved me. He had answered my prayers at the very last moment. I came home rejoicing and telling my husband that I had never had a testimony like this before but it happened to me. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for being so faithful and never failing us.

Just to encourage you that nothing is impossible with our Lord. Everything is possible to him that believes. He says, "Do not be afraid. Just believe".

Always remember that the source of all our blessings is the Lord, not our jobs, our companies or the people.
