Father God, I pray the following for my nation and government:
- There is peace (shalom), prosperity and unity in my nation.
- Give wisdom to the leaders of our nation so that they make the right decisions which will move our country forward spiritually and economically.
- The hedge of Your protection in all over and around my country.
- Raise up Christian people to become leaders who will be faithful to Your ways and decrees.
- Open up the spiritual eyes of people in my nation that they can hear and believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
- Turn people’s heart onto repentance so that they may receive forgiveness for their sins and salvation for their souls.
Father, I believe You are in charge of my nation and you are still in control of all situations regardless of whatever people say or do. Thank you Lord for all thy blessings upon my nation. In Jesus awesome and glorious name I pray, amen.