- Bible is a Book made up of many books (66 total).
- Written by 40 writers (39 know, 1 unknown -Hebrews) but one author (God).
- Written over a period of 1500 (some say 1600) years.
- Written in 3 languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic).
- Written in 3 continents (Africa, Europe, Asia).
- Divided into 2 sections (or two parts): Old Testament and New Testament.
Old Testament
- 39 Books.
- First 5 books (Genesis to Deuteronomy) written by Moses called The Law, Book of Moses, Pentateuch, Torah.
- Oldest book is Job.
- 17 History Books (Genesis to Esther).
- 5 Poetry Books (Job to Song of Songs).
- 17 Prophecy Books (Isaiah to Malachi).
- 3 Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel).
- 14 Minor Prophets.
- Some consider Daniel and Lamentations also Major Prophets.
- Most Psalms are attributed to David.
- King Solomon has written Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.
- Jeremiah has written the book of Jeremiah and Lamentations.
- Proverbs is the Jewel of the Old Testament.
New Testament
- 27 Books.
- First 4 Books are called Gospels, which means “Good News”.
- The first 3 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) are called Synoptic Gospels because they include many of the same stories, often in a similar sequence or in similar wording.
- The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are attributed to Luke.
- Apostle Paul has written 13 letters (almost half the New Testament).
- 1, 2 Timothy and Titus are called Pastoral Letters.
- Apostle John has written the 3 letters of John and the Book of Revelation.
- Author of Hebrews is unknown (some attribute it to Apostle Paul).
- Two letters are written by half brother of Jesus: James and Jude.
- Letter of James is the Jewel of the New Testament.
- Time gap between last book of Old Testament and first Book of New Testament is 400 years.