- Your Identity: 1 Peter 2:9, Romans 8:14, John 1:12
- The Mission of the Church: Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 28:18-20
- Gospel We Should Preach: Matthew 3:1, 4:17, Acts 8:12, Acts 28:23
- Original Purpose of Men: Genesis 1:28
- Restoration: Romans 5:17
- Continuing the Mission: Matthew 4:23
- Power from on High: Luke 24:49
- The Parable of the Yeast: Luke 13:20-21. Explanation:
- The kingdom of God may have small beginnings but it will increase.
- The kingdom of God exerts its influence from within, not from without.
- The effect of the kingdom of God will be comprehensive (worldwide).
- Although the kingdom of God works invisibly, its effect it evident to all.