Kingdom Basics

  1. Your Identity: 1 Peter 2:9, Romans 8:14, John 1:12
  2. The Mission of the Church: Mark 16:15-18, Matthew 28:18-20
  3. Gospel We Should Preach: Matthew 3:1, 4:17, Acts 8:12, Acts 28:23
  4. Original Purpose of Men: Genesis 1:28
  5. Restoration: Romans 5:17
  6. Continuing the Mission: Matthew 4:23
  7. Power from on High: Luke 24:49
  8. The Parable of the Yeast: Luke 13:20-21. Explanation:
    1.  The kingdom of God may have small beginnings but it will increase.
    2. The kingdom of God exerts its influence from within, not from without.
    3. The effect of the kingdom of God will be comprehensive (worldwide).
    4. Although the kingdom of God works invisibly, its effect it evident to all. 