Why Give?

The article below is from the book: Kingdom Principles written by Myles Munroe. In his book, he lists some solid points on why we as Christians should give. I hope it is a blessing to all those who read it.


Giving is natural for kings. As Kingdom citizens and children of the King, we too are kings. That being the case, several principles follow:

1. If we all are kings, then we should give to each other. Remember, you never approach a king without a gift.

2. When we give to the Body, we give to Christ the King. Because Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit, every time we give to each other, we are giving to Him.

3. Every time we meet one another, giving should be automatic. If we are to be like our King, who created us in His image and likeness, a giving spirit should be second nature for us.

4. The wise men knew there was a greater King on earth. That is why they brought Him gifts and worshiped Him. He is still on earth— in the hearts and lives of His citizens. So whenever we give, we do so as if giving to Him.

5. When you give to a king, you make a demand on what he possesses. Giving begets giving. When we give to the King of Heaven, we obligate Him to give in return. This is not a presumptuous statement but the expression of a principle He established. When we give, He gives; when we withhold, He withholds.


The ultimate and greatest gift the King wants from us is summed up in these words:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6: 5).

Giving activates royal obligation. Give Him your life and receive His life.

…remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20: 35).
