Mark 9:23 says "all things are possible to him that believes". As we focus on what the word of God says about finances and start to do them, you are on the right path of financial blessing. Believe the Word of God and start to confess them loud. You will soon find out that your faith has unlocked many doors that the devil had shut. It is God who does the job through our faith. So thank and praise Him often.
Financial blessing is dependent on God’s word. It is conditional. It means that if you do certain things that God commands us to do, He will see that we are blessed. It is true that for new Christians, God will bless them as he leads them to solid spiritual food. Have you ever seen that Mr X who is a brand new Christian gets most of his prayers answered? Mr. Y who is a Christian for ten years is finding it hard to get all his prayers answered. Why is this? To begin with Mr. Y had almost all his prayers answered while he was a young Christian according Matthew 7:7 but as he grew in his faith, God expects Mr. Y to get back on his own feet. He wanted Mr. Y to eat solid spiritual food and stop depending on milk only. One of the areas to look into is in the area of finances. Find out what does Gods’ word say about financial blessing. Read about it. Study it and meditate on it. Learn and become good in dealing with finances using Gods’ method. Than start doing what the word of God says about finances. Start to honor God with your tithe, than start to give offering and almsgiving.
So develop yourself real good into the word of God. How do we do it? Read sections or areas in the bible that applies to your individual case. Study in that area. Ask yourself a number of questions for example Mr. Y is struggling in his finances. Read Genesis 12: 1-4. The bible talks about the call of Abraham and the blessing that will follow him. God spoke to him and told him to leave his home and go to another place. There were mighty blessings that followed Abraham as he obeyed God.
Questions we should ask ourselves:
1. What did God say to Abraham?
2. What was Abraham’s response?
3. What promises God would fulfill if Abraham obeyed God?
4. Are we doing what God told us to do?
5. Did God speak to you about finances?
6. Have we separated ourselves from the worldly way of doing things?
6. Have we fully surrendered our lives to God?
7. Have you made a commitment to serve God in your church?
8. Are we really obeying God or just doing what we think in the area of finances?
You may want to read Malachi 3:8-10.
a. Are you paying your tithes on a regular basis?
b. Are you paying the full tithes to the church you belong to?
c. Are you actually following Philippians 4:15-18 or just claiming Philippians 4:19?
d. Are you honoring the man of God who works in your church?
e. Are you giving your offering as well?
f. Are you backbiting, criticizing and working against the man of God and other fellow believers?
f. Are you walking in love with your fellow believers?
g. Are you really praying with your heart or just casually praying?
h. It is the believing prayer that gets the job done.
The above questions were sort of study questions to ask ourselves so that we can grow in our faith and be blessed in our finances. Every Christian has to grow in his/her faith which should be based on the word of God. Constant prayer and meditation should be part of his spiritual life. I believe if believers would put in a little effort in this area, great and awesome work can be done for Gods kingdom. I just gave a few areas to work on as you believe God for your financial blessing. Luke 6:38 is one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to serving God with my finances. As we give God something apart from our tithe, you will reap a great blessing in your finances. Some of my greatest blessings have come as I have given my offering for Gods work. There was a time when I was growing in this area. The Lord spoke to my heart saying “you are not giving anything back to me accept what is mine". He was referring to tithes. After an intensive study on this subject, I found out that tithe is Gods’ money. If I give it back to Him, I am actually giving something that is already His. So I started to work on Luke 6:38. I would suggest that you start studying in this area if you want real financial blessing. But keep this in mind. You are not going after money. Your focus should be how you can be a blessing to others just as Abraham was. As you do this, God will meet all your needs according to His riches of His glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).
I have also typed a prayer as you pay your tithes.
“Dear God, thank You for Your son Jesus who has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated me into the kingdom of his dear son. You have given me Your word and without any doubt in my heart, I believe that as I have honored You with my tithe and offering, You will honor Your word. You will bless my budget and help me meet all my financial commitment with more than enough left over for my other needs. You are the source of all my needs and because I trust You with my finances, you will supply all of my needs. In JESUS name I pray, AMEN".
Scripture References
Malachi 3:8-10, Phil 4:19, Luke 6:38, Mark 11:23