1. Pray that your prophetic and intercessory gifts will portray the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10).
2. Pray that you will be filled with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17).
3. Pray that your eyes of understanding will be enlightened and that you will know the hope of your calling in Jesus (Ephesians 1:18).
4. Pray that your heart does not harden, that your mind and understanding do not become darkened (Ephesians 4:18); and that your emotions do not become impenitent through jaded perceptions or by taking God’s glory for granted (Mark 6:52); pray that your soul does not wither by the continued willful commitment of sin (Hebrews 3:15).
5. Pray that you will have continual fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ through the blessing of the Holy Spirit (Philippians 2:1).
6. Pray in the Spirit often (Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 14:18-19; Ephesians 6:18; Jude 20).
1. When we pray corporately, we should not go into great detail about our lives and our families. Talk to God, instead of explaining to others what you mean. Remember to take time to remind God of His promises made in Scripture (Isaiah 62:6-7) and to demonstrate the fullness of your faith and trust in Him.
2. Consider dedicating yourself and asking others to commit to a long-term course of action to fulfill Jesus’ exhortation to intercede day and night for the release of His Spirit throughout the Church (Luke 18:7-8).
We must focus on petitioning God and resist pridefully “preaching to people” in our prayers. A greater release of the Holy Spirit will settle the details of personal obedience in the lives of believers (John 16:8; Acts 9:31; Romans 14:17). Ask God to give His Church a greater release of conviction of sin, judgment, righteousness, peace, comfort, and a greater measure of the fear of God.
- For times of worship, pray:
For the presence of God to be powerfully manifested.
For the glory of God to literally fill the room.
That God will give manifestations of angelic ministries (Hebrews 1:14).
For unique and powerful manifestations of the Holy Spirit during worship.
For the prophetic spirit of God to rest on worship leaders and musicians.
For clear wisdom and ability to flow with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
For worshippers to embrace a call to holiness, healed of diseases, refreshed by the Holy Spirit, touched by the power of God, baptized with the Holy Spirit, and set free from demonic spirits.
- For the times of teaching and preaching, pray:
That there will be deliverance from sin, from demonization, and from sickness during the teaching time.
That conviction will rest on the Word to minister salvation to non-Christians and clearer revelation to the Body of Christ.
That the anointing of the Holy Spirit will powerfully fall during the preaching of the Word.
- For ministry times, pray:
For manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
For the Holy Spirit to powerfully heal, encourage, and refresh all believers.
- In general, you may also want to pray for the following:
For an anointing that the conviction of sin would fall in the meetings, resulting in evangelism of the lost and the unchurched.
For radical salvations, healings, and deliverances among the Body of Christ so that we may all walk in greater purity and single-minded devotion to God.
For a generous spirit of giving that would be evidenced among believers to support greater outreaches to the poor and other various mission opportunities.
For prosperity to grace those who are out of work and for new opportunities for employment.