The article below is from the book: Delivernace and Spiritual Warfare Manual written by John Eckhardt. I have put together a summary of all his major points on the subject of Leviathan. I hope it is a blessing to all those who read it.
Leviathan, King of Pride
He [Leviathan] beholds every high thing; he is king over all the children of pride. —JOB 41:34
IN JOB CHAPTER 41 the Lord appears to Job in a whirlwind and begins to question him concerning a creature known as Leviathan.
Leviathan was a spirit represented by the crocodile or a large sea serpent. In Isaiah chapter 27 he is called the “piercing serpent,” the “crooked serpent,” the “dragon” that lies in the midst of the sea (v. 1, KJV). In Job 41:34 he is called “king over all the children of pride.”
There are five references to Leviathan in the Word of God. The most extensive reference is found in the Book of Job chapter 41. The other references are Job 3:8, Psalm 74:14, Psalm 104:26, and Isaiah 27:1.
The Knox translation of Job 41:9 says, “Let him but sneeze, the fire flashes out: let him open his eye, it is like the glimmer of dawn.” (See also Job 41:19.) This is a picture of a fire-breathing dragon. We have no knowledge of such a creature in the natural. This is because Job 41 is not referring to a natural creature. The Lord is exposing Leviathan, king of pride.
Another important reference to Leviathan and fire can be found when the apostle James refers to the tongue as a little member that boasts great things (James 3:5). This is an obvious reference to pride manifesting through the tongue. James then goes on to say “how great a matter a little fire kindleth” (v. 5, KJV). The tongue sets on fire the course of nature (v. 6). Leviathan can manifest through the tongue in boasting, lying, and cursing.
One of the sins of pride is cursing and lying (Ps. 59:12). Boasting is another manifestation of pride. To boast means to puff oneself up in speech, to speak vaingloriously. Arguing and disputing is another manifestation of pride (1 Tim. 6:4). James said that “no man can tame the tongue” (James 3:8). This could be due to Leviathan’s influence, for he cannot be tamed. We need a work of grace in our hearts and lips to overcome pride’s manifestations.
Job 41:20 makes reference to a “seething pot” (KJV). To seethe means to churn or foam as if boiling. It also means to be agitated. To agitate means to disturb. It also means trouble in mind or feelings. I believe this is a reference to anger.
Anger is a manifestation of pride. It is also a reference to stirring up strife. Proverbs 28:25 says, “He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife.” The New English Bible translates this verse: “A self-important man provokes quarrels.” Those who are easily given to strife, anger, and quarrels are controlled by Leviathan.
Breath represents spirit. Evil spirits can manifest through the tongue. Pride in our hearts will manifest through the tongue. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The breath of Leviathan kindles a fire (Job 41:21).
Fire spreads and destroys. It is one of the most destructive elements known to man. People controlled by Leviathan will do much damage through their minds and mouths. Instead of kindling coals with our tongues, we need the coals from the heavenly altar to purge our lips (Isa. 6:7).
Leviathan’s strength is in his neck (Job 41:22). According to Psalm 18:40, the Lord gives us the necks of our enemies. Joshua and Israel demonstrated their enemies’ defeat by putting their feet on the necks of the Kings of Canaan (Josh. 10:24).
A strong neck refers to being stubborn and stiff-necked. Stubbornness and rebellion are two more manifestations of pride. Stubbornness is the refusal to change. Many leaders and churches refuse to change when a new flow of the Spirit is being released upon the body of Christ. There is a resistance to change, which is nothing but a manifestation of Leviathan. According to 1 Samuel 15:23, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”
Stubbornness will cause a man to reject the word of the Lord. This was the sin of Saul. Many reject present truth being spoken today because of stubbornness. Change is a part of life. You cannot grow without change. We must be flexible in order to change with God. There are always new things being birthed and released in the kingdom.
Israel was often referred to as a “stiff-necked people” (Exod. 33:3). Stephen called those who resist the Holy Ghost “stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart” (Acts 7:51). Deuteronomy 31:27 says, “For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck.” The Moffatt translation says, “For I know your defiant temper and your stubborn spirit.” Stubbornness is a refusal to repent and turn from the crooked way.
Psalm 75:5 says, “Do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck.” To lift up the horn means to boast or to flaunt power. It means to be arrogant and irreverent. It means to defy God (defiance). This is associated with a stiff neck. Refusing to hear, anti-submissiveness, and unteachableness are all tied in with being stiff-necked (Jer. 17:23). These are all manifestations of pride and Leviathan.
Another characteristic of this spirit Leviathan is being unyielding and unbending (Job 41:23). To yield means to submit by giving way before force, argument, persuasion, or entreaty. It means to relinquish one’s rights. People who are “set in their ways” (unbending and unyielding) are being controlled by Leviathan, who refuses to yield.
Hardness of heart is the next manifestation of the spirit of Leviathan the Lord shows us in Job 41:24. Many believers suffer from the condition of hardness of heart just as the disciples did. Pharaoh, who is also referred to as “the great dragon” (Ezek. 29:3, KJV), hardened his heart and was destroyed in the Red Sea. Hardness of heart prevents us from walking in the fullness of God’s blessings.
Leviathan hinders spiritual growth. Sleepiness while trying to pray, study the Word, or even while sitting in a service are manifestations of this spirit. People who have problems praying or understanding the Word of God are often controlled by Leviathan. An inability to remember scriptures or recall the Word have also been traced to Leviathan.
The Amplified version of Job 41:30 says, “his underparts are like sharp pieces of broken pottery.” The underbelly is one of the most vulnerable areas found in reptiles. As this sharp underbelly drags along, it leaves a distinct trail when upon land. In the same way pride will leave a trail wherever it goes. This trail includes hurt, pain, broken marriages, backsliding, shame, and destruction. The Bible tells us that “pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Prov. 16:18). Destruction follows the trail of pride.
Leviathan lives in the depths and causes it to boil (Job 41:31). Pride is so deep in man it is difficult to draw it out because it lives so deep within us. Boiling represents restlessness. Humility brings rest. Pride causes restlessness. Wherever pride goes, he leaves a trail behind. Wherever you look you can see a trail of misery, broken lives, and destruction. Do not walk in the path of pride. It is a path that leads to shame and destruction.
Leviathan is not an earthly creature. We are dealing with a spirit, a strongman in the kingdom of darkness. There is no creature on earth that is comparable to this fearless spirit (Job 41:33).
In the first seven verses of Job chapter 41 the Lord asks Job fourteen questions concerning Leviathan. These questions reveal man’s inability to draw out and conquer him.
The first question implies that there is no hook or line that is able to draw Leviathan out of the deep to land (v. 1). Not only does Leviathan live in the depths, but he is also so strong and powerful as to break any line or hook that man would use to snare him and draw him out.
Pride is such a strong, deeply rooted spirit that it is impossible to hook him and draw him out. The beginning of humility is recognizing our limitations and inability, and our dependence upon the Lord. A humble man recognizes his need for the Lord in everything he does.
You cannot snag and hold him as you do other sea creatures (v. 2). This method will not be successful with Leviathan. Man has been successful in conquering even the largest of sea creatures—the whale—but Leviathan cannot be conquered by natural means.
Will not negotiate
Job 41:3 gives us a picture of a defeated foe pleading or making entreaties to his vanquisher. Often conquered nations or kings would entreat their conquerors. Entreat means to plead with, especially in order to persuade, to negotiate. The enemy, once conquered, will attempt to speak soft or flattering words.
Will Leviathan do this: plead with you, negotiate with you, or flatter you with word? No! He is a proud and stubborn demon that does not speak soft words. He will not humble himself and make supplication. Supplication is also a form of prayer. We have found that the spirit of Leviathan hinders prayer. People who have a difficult time praying or become sleepy when attempting to pray are often battling Leviathan. Proud people don’t sense a need to pray or seek God (Ps. 10:4), and will have a difficult time asking for help. They often speak harshly to others. The tone of voice is an indication as to whether one is manifesting pride.
Will not submit and enter into covenant
Leviathan will not enter into covenant (Job 41:4). He is an independent and proud spirit. He will never submit and serve another. Pride hinders people from entering into or walking in covenant. It takes humility to enter in to and walk in covenant.
A covenant is a mutual agreement between two parties. Marriage is a covenant. It is not just the wife submitting to the husband but the two of them submitting to each other in the fear of God. We have found that Leviathan is the spirit operating in most marriages, causing divorce and separation. Leviathan will not make and keep covenant. It is not surprising that so many of God’s people don’t understand and operate in covenant relationships. Pride will blind you and hinder you from honoring covenant.
Pride will also blind a person from receiving and walking in the covenant we have through the blood of Jesus. The Bible is a book of covenants. Our God is a covenant-keeping God. Salvation, healing, deliverance, prosperity, the gifts of the Spirit, miracles, signs, and wonders are all parts of the new covenant. It takes humility to receive and walk in the revelation of our covenant. It is not surprising that many believers and some churches reject parts of the new covenant.
Some reject healing. Some reject deliverance. Some reject the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. I am convinced that the spirit of Leviathan has blocked many from walking in the fullness of the covenant we have through Jesus Christ.
There are different types of pride, and one of them is religious pride. This says, “My church (or my denomination) has all the truth.” Religious pride says, “It couldn’t be God if we don’t practice or believe it.”
These attitudes are nothing but manifestations of Leviathan. If a believer or a church has a problem walking in the fullness of the new covenant, check for Leviathan.
Will not serve
The next question the Lord asks Job concerning Leviathan is, “Will thou take him for a servant forever?” The Moffatt translation says, “Will he...always be at your service?” It takes humility to serve others. Pride will prevent you from submitting to and serving another. Pride always wants to be on top and in control. Pride wants everyone to submit to him. It does not surprise me that so many people have a problem submitting and serving. The reason being is that so many people have a problem with Leviathan. If you have a hard time submitting and serving, then you have a problem with Leviathan. Jesus is our example of humility. He humbled Himself and became a servant, even to the extent of washing His disciples’ feet.
Will not be tamed
Leviathan is not a pet. He cannot be tamed. Pets are animals that have been domesticated for the advantage of man. The Jerusalem translation of Job 41:5 says, “Will you make a pet of him, like a bird, keep him on a lead to assure your march?” In other words, Leviathan is not a creature to play around with. Pride cannot be tamed.
Pride is destructive and will cause pain in your life and the lives of others. Leviathan will not be taken captive for a pet. He will not be bound and tamed. Leviathan must be destroyed, and only the Lord can destroy pride in our lives. We cannot draw him out, snare him, make a covenant with him, or bind him in our own strength. If we don’t allow the Lord to destroy pride in our lives, Leviathan will destroy us!
The greatest battle you will ever fight is against pride. Leviathan is an awesome foe. Don’t underestimate his strength and power. Once you enter into battle with this spirit, you will remember the struggle (Job 41:8). The Lord is giving us a picture of pride and showing us our inability to do battle with him. How desperately we need to depend upon the Lord. We are too weak to fight the enemy without the Lord’s help. We must submit and humble ourselves under the Lord to experience victory.
Another way to look at Job 41:8 is to never get into strife or contention with a proud person. Pride will cause you to argue, fight, and be contentious. There is no rest if you find yourself in battle with someone controlled by Leviathan. Contentious and argumentative people are controlled by Leviathan.
There is futility in trying to defeat and master pride in our own strength (Job 41:9). Again, the emphasis is man’s inability to draw out and conquer Leviathan. You cannot master pride in your own strength. You cannot capture him with your own ability. You cannot attack him with carnal weapons. Once man recognizes his own inability, it will force him to humble himself and seek the help of the Lord. Man’s hope of defeating Leviathan alone is a false hope. Jesus is the only hope we have in defeating Leviathan.
Fasting is often necessary in dealing with Leviathan. Through fasting, we humble the soul (Ps. 35:13). Fasting helps break the power of pride in our lives.
Command the helpers of Rahab to bow beneath the Lord (Job 9:13). Rahab is a spirit of pride. The name means “outrageous, violent, tumult, fierce, courageous, proud, vain, and insolent.” But Leviathan is a sea monster, a crocodile, who is destroyed by the arm of the Lord (Ps. 89:10; Isa. 51:9).
Remember, Leviathan’s strength is in his neck (Job 41:22). The Lord will give us the necks of our enemies (Ps. 18:40). Ask the Lord to break his head.
Remember to strip the scales off Leviathan. His scales are the demons that shield him from attack. Take away his armor and spoil his goods (victims) (Luke 11:22).