Reasons for Unanswered Prayer

1.Not fellowshipping with God. Every believer is called to fellowship with God, according to 1 Corinthians 1: 9. Fellowship means “to have companionship, partnership, communion; to simply spend time with.” A call means “a summons, a request or an invitation.” Jesus modeled this call to fellowship by going to the mountain to pray all night, especially when making major decisions (see Luke 6: 12– 13). 
2.Not praying to the Father in Jesus’ name. Jesus instructed His disciples to pray in His name, a directive that is as appropriate today as it was when He first spoke it (see John 15: 16). This is a simple truth, but one that not all Christians follow. 
3.Not asking, or asking with wrong motives. Some people believe God is too busy to hear their little prayers. But He says that whatever you ask, He hears. God wants more than your grocery list. He wants to dine with you. These truths are summed up in James 4: 2– 3 and Revelation 3: 20. 
4.Not asking according to God’s will. God’s will is learned by reading and hearing the Word of God, and spending time with Him. Salvation, for example, is explicit in God’s Word. Men of God in the Bible knew His will when they prayed. Moses in Exodus 32: 11– 14 is a good example. Also, read 1 John 5: 14– 15. 
5.Not having God’s Word in you. Jesus said in John 15: 7, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” Listening to the Bible on cassette tape is an excellent way to memorize His Word, even playing it all night alongside your bed. 
6.Doubt and unbelief. James 1: 5– 8 tells you to ask God in faith without doubting. Jesus instructed His followers to believe for what they prayed so they would receive. Elijah the prophet, a man with a nature like ours, won great victories when he prayed (see 1 Kings 18), then ran from one woman when doubt set in (see 1 Kings 19). 
7.Losing heart or giving up. Many prayers are not answered affirmatively because someone loses heart or gives up. This is best expressed in Luke 18: 1 when Jesus says that we “ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, give up)” (AMP). In the verses following that chapter, the widow received because she kept asking. 
8.Not being in agreement. Jesus spoke on agreement in Matthew 18: 19: “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” The marriage agreement is the strongest on earth. Strife and contention are contrary to agreement and will hinder prayers. 
9.Unforgiveness. One of the strongest statements by Jesus follows what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer. In Matthew 6: 14– 15 He says, “For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.” And did Jesus mean 490 times in Matthew 18: 21– 22? Consistent forgiveness means you wipe the slate clean and begin again at the count of one. God will not remember your sins when forgiveness is asked (see Isaiah 43: 25). 
10.Not giving tithes and offerings. Tithing was required in the Old Testament, and the principle of giving abundantly can be found in the New Testament— the early believers were willing to give all (see Acts 2: 44– 47 and 4: 32– 37). Jesus had much to say about giving and the blessings that come from giving. I am often asked, “Do we give off the gross or the net?” The answer is simple: Do you want a gross or a net blessing? 
In conclusion, the following are more reasons that prayers go unanswered, which, if they apply, you may want to study further: 
a.Disobedience (see Deuteronomy 1: 42– 45; Isaiah 1: 19– 20; Hebrews 4: 6); 
b.Prejudice and hate (see Proverbs 26: 24– 28; 1 John 2: 9– 12; 3: 15– 22); 
c.Unrepented sin (see Psalm 19: 12– 13; 66: 18; Isaiah 59: 1– 2); 
d.Overindulgence or not caring for your body, which is God’s temple (see Proverbs 23: 1– 8; Luke 21: 34; 1 Corinthians 3: 16); 
e.Touching (attacking) God’s anointed (see 1 Samuel 26: 5– 11; Psalm 105: 15); Fear (see Psalm 56: 4, 11; Proverbs 29: 25; 1 John 4: 18); 
f.Not examining yourself before communion (see 1 Corinthians 11: 27– 31); 
g.Despising God’s Word (see Proverbs 28: 9); 
h.Indifference (see Proverbs 1: 24– 28); 
i.Neglect of mercy (see Proverbs 21: 13); 
j.Not honoring one another (see Deuteronomy 5: 16; 1 Peter 3: 7); 
k.Idolatry, which is anything you worship above God (see Deuteronomy 7: 25– 26; Joshua 7; Ezekiel 14: 3); 
l.Speaking evil of brethren (see Galatians 5: 26; James 4: 11; 5: 9).
The above notes were taken from the book, “Becoming a Prayer Warrior” written by Elizabeth Alves.